Xsolla partners with AppsFlyer to streamline cross-platform data-driven insights | Pocket Gamer.biz
Xsolla has announced a new partnership with AppsFlyer, with the aim of sharing data to better serve their clients.
Through the partnership, AppsFlyer’s B2B marketing technology will be added to the Xsolla web shop services, giving developers access to cross-platform measurement and enabling them to gain valuable player insight, estimate webship and marketing efficiency, and increase the performance of their web sales channels. This integration allows game developers to gather and analyse user behaviour and compare these metrics to gain valuable insights.
The power of partnerships
“We’re excited to announce our partnership with AppsFlyer. It’s a significant step forward in our ongoing support of mobile game developers,” said Xsolla CEO Chris Hewish. “The mobile sector continues to drive global gaming revenue and growth. The combination of Xsolla’s Web Shop solution and AppsFlyer unlocks a wealth of data-driven insights into player behaviour and engagement, webshop and marketing effectiveness, and web sales channel performance.”
Through the partnership, Xsolla and AppsFlyer aim to increase efficiency and provide better control over data for developers aiming to optimise their digital customer journeys. Developers can build cross-platform dashboards to compare metrics and extract insights, enabling the measurement of user activity across mobile, PC, and the internet.
“This partnership with Xsolla promises to elevate measurement precision, enable user segmentation, and foster a deeper comprehension of customer flow, behaviour, and engagement,” said AppsFlyer head of gaming Brian Murphy. “Both AppsFlyer and Xsolla care deeply about delivering the best possible user experience and measurement capabilities to marketers, and this partnership will enable them to have greater control of their monetization strategies, budgets, and campaign insights.”
In May, Xsolla announced a new partnership with marketing platform YouAppi.
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