How to Select the Right Hockey Stick

Selecting the right hockey stick is crucial for any player, as it can significantly impact performance on the ice. With a wide range of options available, understanding the key factors to consider when choosing a hockey stick is essential. This article provides a comprehensive guide to help you select the perfect hockey stick that suits your playing style and preferences.

Right Hockey Stick

Determine Your Playing Style:

Determining your playing style is the first step in selecting the right hockey stick. Your playing style refers to how you approach the game and the role you typically play on the ice. Here are a few common playing styles:

  1. Aggressive Forward: Aggressive forwards are typically goal scorers and focus on shooting and creating scoring opportunities. They rely on their stickhandling skills and the power of their shots to beat the opposing goaltender. If you are an aggressive forward, you may prefer a stick with a higher flex rating to generate maximum shot power.
  2. Playmaker: Playmakers excel in passing and setting up their teammates for scoring chances. They prioritize stickhandling and passing accuracy to create plays. Playmakers may benefit from a stick with a mid-range flex rating, providing a balance between shot power and control.
  3. Two-Way Player: Two-way players contribute both offensively and defensively. They are versatile and excel in both scoring and defensive responsibilities. If you are a two-way player, a stick with a moderate flex rating and a versatile blade pattern can cater to your all-around game.
  4. Defenseman: Defensemen focus on defensive responsibilities, including poke checks, blocking shots, and making outlet passes. They may not require the same shot power as forwards but prioritize control and accuracy. Defensemen often prefer sticks with a lower flex rating for enhanced control and quick puck handling.
  5. Hybrid: Some players may have a combination of playing styles or a unique style that doesn’t fit into any specific category. In this case, it’s important to assess your individual strengths and preferences and select a stick that aligns with your unique playing style.

Stick Length:

Stick length is an important consideration when selecting a hockey stick. The right stick length can significantly impact your ability to handle the puck effectively and perform various on-ice skills. Here’s how you can determine the appropriate stick length for you:

  1. Stand with Skates On: Put on your hockey skates and stand in an upright position on a flat surface. It’s important to have your skates on because they add height and affect your posture while playing.
  2. Hold the Stick: Hold the hockey stick with the blade flat on the ground in front of you. Ensure that the stick is perpendicular to the ground, with the shaft pointing upward.
  3. Measure to Your Chin or Nose: The ideal stick length should generally reach your chin or nose when the blade is flat on the ground. This length allows for optimal puck control, maneuverability, and comfortable stickhandling. Some players prefer a slightly shorter stick for better maneuverability, while others may opt for a slightly longer stick for increased reach.
  4. Test and Adjust: Once you have a stick of the estimated length, try holding it in your hands and mimicking various hockey movements. Practice stickhandling, shooting, and passing to get a feel for the stick’s length. If you find it too long or too short during this trial, make the necessary adjustments by trimming the stick’s shaft accordingly. However, keep in mind that cutting a stick may affect its flex characteristics.

It’s important to note that stick length preferences can vary depending on personal comfort, playing style, and position. For example, defensemen may prefer a slightly longer stick for poke checks and reach, while forwards may opt for a shorter stick for better maneuverability in tight spaces.


The flexibility or “flex” of a hockey stick affects the power and accuracy of your shots. A stick with too much flex may be challenging to control, while one with too little may not generate enough power. Flex ratings typically range from 30 to 110, with higher numbers indicating a stiffer stick. For beginners or players with a smaller frame, a lower flex rating is generally recommended, while stronger players may opt for a higher flex rating.

Blade Curve: 

The curve of the stick’s blade can significantly impact shooting and stickhandling. Different curves are designed for various styles of play. A deeper curve offers better control and maneuverability, while a flatter curve provides increased accuracy for shooting. Experimenting with different curves can help you find the one that suits your style and feels comfortable.

Blade Pattern: 

The blade pattern refers to the shape of the blade’s face. There are numerous blade patterns available, each offering unique benefits. For example, a heel curve pattern helps with backhand shots and saucer passes, while a mid curve pattern provides versatility for both shooting and passing. Consider your playing style and position when selecting a blade pattern.

Material and Construction: 

Hockey sticks are made from various materials, including wood, fiberglass, carbon fiber, and composite blends. Each material has its advantages and disadvantages in terms of weight, durability, and performance. Composite sticks, which are lightweight and offer excellent responsiveness, are popular choices among professional players. Consider your budget, playing level, and preferences when deciding on the stick’s material.

Try Before You Buy: 

Whenever possible, try out different hockey sticks before making a purchase. Visit a local hockey shop or borrow sticks from teammates to get a feel for different brands, flexes, and curves. Testing the sticks on the ice will provide valuable insights into which options suit you best.


 Choosing the right hockey stick requires careful consideration of factors such as playing style, stick length, flexibility, blade curve, blade pattern, material, and construction. By understanding your preferences and experimenting with different options, you can find a hockey stick that enhances your performance and elevates your game on the ice. Remember, the right stick can make all the difference in your hockey journey.

Selecting the right hockey stick is a critical decision that can greatly impact your performance on the ice. By considering factors such as your playing style, stick length, flexibility, blade curve, blade pattern, material, and construction, you can find a stick that suits your needs and preferences.

Understanding your playing style is crucial as it helps you identify the stick characteristics that align with your specific role on the ice. Whether you’re an aggressive forward, a playmaker, a defenseman, or have a hybrid style, choosing a stick that complements your strengths and preferences will enhance your overall game.

Determining the appropriate stick length ensures optimal puck control and maneuverability. By following the guideline of reaching your chin or nose when the blade is flat on the ground, you can find a length that suits your posture and playing style. Remember to test the stick’s length and make adjustments if necessary.

Other factors to consider include the flexibility of the stick, as it affects shot power and control, the blade curve and pattern that align with your shooting and stickhandling preferences, and the material and construction of the stick, taking into account factors such as weight, durability, and performance.

Finally, trying out different sticks before making a purchase is highly recommended. Visiting a local hockey shop or borrowing sticks from teammates allows you to experience different brands, flexes, and curves on the ice. This hands-on approach will provide valuable insights and help you make an informed decision.

In conclusion, by understanding your playing style, evaluating stick length, considering flexibility, blade characteristics, and materials, and testing sticks before purchasing, you can select the right hockey stick that enhances your performance and enjoyment of the game. Remember, the right stick can make a significant difference in your overall hockey experience.


Q: What is the ideal stick length for a youth player?

A: The ideal stick length for a youth player can vary based on their height and playing style. As a general guideline, the stick should reach somewhere between the nose and chin when the blade is flat on the ground. It’s important to consider the player’s comfort and ability to handle the stick effectively while maintaining proper posture on the ice.

Q: Can I cut a hockey stick to make it shorter?

A: Yes, you can cut a hockey stick to make it shorter. However, keep in mind that cutting a stick will affect its flex characteristics and may alter the way it performs. If you decide to cut a stick, it’s advisable to consult with an experienced player or a knowledgeable hockey shop professional to ensure proper cutting and maintain the stick’s desired characteristics.

Q: What flex rating should I choose for my hockey stick?

A: The appropriate flex rating depends on various factors, including your strength, playing style, and personal preference. For beginners or players with a smaller frame, a lower flex rating (e.g., 50-70) is generally recommended to help with puck control and shot accuracy. Stronger players may opt for a higher flex rating (e.g., 85-110) to generate more power in their shots. It’s important to test different flex ratings to find the one that feels comfortable and suits your style of play.

Q: How often should I replace my hockey stick?

A: The lifespan of a hockey stick can vary based on factors such as usage, level of play, and personal preference. Some players prefer to replace their sticks more frequently to maintain optimal performance, while others may continue using a stick until it breaks. It’s generally recommended to inspect your stick regularly for signs of wear and damage, such as cracks or significant loss of stiffness. If you notice any issues affecting its performance, it’s time to consider replacing the stick.

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