Devcom 2023 announces final round of talks and speakers | Pocket

Devcom 2023, the essential developer-focused pre-cursor the giant Gamescom 2023 show is fast approaching, with the event set to begin Monday, August 21. Now, the full list of the final roundup of speakers and talks is in place.

Devcom is Europe’s largest community-based event for games industry professionals, and consists of two days of talks, networking, events and more. The latest four new speakers (details below) bring the total number of sessions to more than 170, and speakers to more than 240.

Plus organisers have highlighted the event’s latest updates to ensure the safety and comfort of all attendees. These include a silent room, an anonymous contact form to report harassment, a FLINTA meetup and more. Devcom is pulling out all the stops for their biggest and best event yet.

Managing director at Devcom, Stephen Reichart, “A positive event experience for our attendees is and always has been our highest priority. Learning, networking and doing business at our conference happens best in an environment where all participants feel safe and worry-free. We want them to leave with exciting and fabulous memories.

“To achieve this even more effectively, we’re extending our measures beyond our own formats, and contacting other event organisers so we can sync on best practices and learnings to create safer environments for all industry professionals. I would especially like to highlight the efforts made by our team member Astrid Gooding, also a Women in Games Ambassador, who is a leading and driving force advocating for Safer Spaces, Diversity and Inclusion.”

What’s on?

The four new speakers and talks announced are:

President and CEO of SNK Corporation, Kenji Matsubara, who’s talk, “SNK: IP Creation & Spreading Brand Awareness” will give insights into how SNK created their various IP (Metal Slug, King of Fighters etc.) and expanded them across various media. You’ll remember that SNK also has a major foothold in mobile with games like Metal Slug: Attack and The King of Fighters Allstars.

Head of trust and safety at Keyword Studios, Sharon Fisher, will be speaking on “10 Key Questions to Prioritise Community Health in Game Development”. This talk will cover how to build a healthy community around your game, a vital aspect in today’s environment where toxic player culture can severely impact a game’s long-term health.

For those wanting to find out more about game sound and soundtracking, composer for Bethesda’s upcoming title Starfield, Inon Zur will be giving a talk on “Starfield – Composing Music for an out-of-this-world Game”. This talk will cover all aspects of his work and how he composed the signature score for the hotly anticipated title.

Finally, we have game director at Tango Gameworks, John Johanas, who’s talk on “How Hi-Fi RUSH was developed ‘backwards’” will give insight into the smash hit rhythm game and how its extended development period worked.

And this is just a small sample of the many speakers making themselves known at Devcom.

For more updates on the speaker schedules, highlights, safety measures, organisation and more you can check Devcom’s website, located here. Here’s to a great show!

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